From time to time I will make some tests and comparisons and try to explain the results adding some opinions of my own. If you want to check my results and compare them to your results you should know the environment I'm working in:
my PC is equipped with:
- an AMD A10-5800K APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, 3.8 GHz, 4 cores
- has 32 GB RAM
- a 2TB Toshiba hard-disk, SATA III, 7200rpm
- a 120 GB SSD Samsung 840 Pro
The operating system is Linux. in my case this is Ubuntu in the version 13.04 (64 bit)
For my SW-developments I use Eclipse Kepler.
Nothing is static in this business, a lot has changed in the years I worked in it. So it is safe to say that things will change in the future (this i one of the reasons why this business is so fascinating). I will inform you when I change any of the components listed above.
And the first change happenend some days ago: I changed the OS on my PC to Ubuntu 13.10.